GoLucid News and Reports

Innovating with Feedback: Staying in tune with your Customers

Written by Karen Cooper | Feb 21, 2024 7:43:00 PM

Remaining connected to customers is crucial in roadmap creation, yet it's easy to prioritize the
loudest feedback or stay buried in a backlog created over long periods of time. Let's explore
innovative ways to ensure alignment with evolving customer landscapes amidst busy schedules
through comments from leaders in the Event Tech industry. Today we are featuring quotes from
Evessio, Hopskip and Snöball.

Advice from our Thought Leaders:
“At HopSkip, we understand that true innovation is rooted in the voices of those we serve. Our
early success is a testament to this, as we've consistently integrated our users' invaluable
insights into our product development roadmap. We focus on making feedback easy and
intuitive, ensuring our customers' voices lead our development efforts. This has been shaped by
regularly connecting with our customers, actively seeking their feedback, and identifying
opportunities for improvement. This approach keeps us in sync with the evolving meetings and
events industry. Our goal is not only to respond to challenges but also to anticipate and evolve
industry standards. By fostering strong relationships with our users, each step we take is guided
by our mission to provide the best hotel venue-sourcing platform that enables our end users to
source their event venues smarter, not harder.” Sean Whalin, Co-founder & CEO | HopSkip

“As an event marketer and event tech founder of Snöball there are few things I do on a regular
basis to stay in tune with what our customers need as well as what the changing marketing
trends are.
-Continuous Customer Conversations: I do regular customer check ins, touch base on their
campaigns, listen to their ever changing challenges. Sometimes I can offer a solution,
sometimes I just listen and take that into account. If I hear of a recurring challenge from a few
customers, to me it means we need to add that to the roadmap for a future release.

-Data-Driven Insights: Leverage data analytics and user behavior tracking tools to gather insights
into how customers are using your product, what features they're engaging with the most, and
where they might be encountering friction. This data can provide valuable input for roadmap

-Social Listening: Look for trends, common complaints, audience behaviours and emerging
needs that you can address in your roadmap.

-Customer Advisory Board: Regularly meet to discuss upcoming features, gather feedback, and
validate roadmap priorities.” Rachel Stephan, Snöballer in Chief, Snöball

“Evessio focuses on providing end to end software solutions for Awards and Conferences.
Evessio has evolved to be a perfect fit for those at the start of their journey looking to launch
their first awards to those wanting to push the boundaries of the art of the possible and strive to
be the global leader in their industry with their awards. For Evessio to have got too and then
maintain this position keeping up with customer needs and trends is at the heart of how we

It starts right at the very beginning of the client’s journey with Evessio, where time is initially
taken to research the client, their industry, their awards and how they currently run them.
Meetings are then held with the client to discuss their awards, what they are looking to achieve
and how they define success so that Evessio’s solutions can be aligned.

Once the client has then gone through a personalised onboarding process and have their
awards launched on Evessio, regular and often monthly meetings are then held with each client
to ensure they are having a great experience, see if they require any support in areas but to
also continually share ideas and experiences, we at Evessio see across the ‘000 of awards we
host each year.

It is this process and focus from Evessio that has resulted in Evessio having award-winning
people, delivering award-winning customer service with award-winning technology and why
those that run awards for the events industry choose Evessio.", Thomas Howie, COO,

Welcome to GoLucid Thought Lab! The Thought Lab is an ongoing conversation for event
professionals, technologists and leadership to share concepts on event innovation. Let’s get
this started!

Please join the conversation by commenting on this post. We will have more great
conversations to come for the industry. As always, if GoLucid, LLC can help the roadmap or
mission, let us know.   Click Here!